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King Encyclopedia

Browse the entries of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Encyclopedia, updated for digital publication.

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View the day-to-day chronology of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jack, Homer Alexander (May 19, 1916 to August 5, 1993)

Jackson, Jesse Louis (October 8, 1941)

Jackson, Jimmie Lee (December 16, 1938 to February 26, 1965)

Jackson, Joseph Harrison (September 11, 1900 to August 18, 1990)

Jackson, Mahalia (October 26, 1911 to January 27, 1972)

James, C. L. R. (January 4, 1901 to May 31, 1989)

Jemison, Theodore Judson (August 1, 1918 to November 15, 2013)

Johns, Vernon (April 22, 1892 to June 11, 1965)

Johnson, Lyndon Baines (August 27, 1908 to January 22, 1973)

Johnson, Mordecai Wyatt (January 12, 1890 to September 10, 1976)

Jones, Clarence Benjamin (January 8, 1931)