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King Encyclopedia

Browse the entries of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Encyclopedia, updated for digital publication.

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View the day-to-day chronology of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Family History of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Farmer, James (January 12, 1920 to July 9, 1999)

Farris, (Willie) Christine King (September 11, 1927)

Fauntroy, Walter E. (February 6, 1933)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (March 16, 1909)

Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) (November 11, 1915)

Forman, James (October 4, 1928 to January 10, 2005)

Fosdick, Harry Emerson (May 24, 1878 to October 5, 1969)

Freedom Rides (May 4, 1961 to December 16, 1961)

Freedom Summer (June 14, 1964 to August 20, 1964)